


主演:查理兹·塞隆 妮可·基德曼 玛格特·罗比 约翰·利思戈 艾莉 



更新:2023-07-27 03:07:10


地区:美国 加拿大 




简介There are a few different ways to answer this question, depending on what you mean by "contributions" and what you are specifically asking about. Here are a few perspectives: - If you are asking about the contributions of European colonizers to the development of the Americas, there is no simple answer. Certainly, European colonizers brought with them new technologies, ideas, and practices that had an impact on the Americas, but these contributions came at a great cost to the Native peoples who were already living on these lands. Many Native peoples were killed, enslaved, or otherwise displaced by the arrival of Europeans, and their cultures and societies were significantly disrupted. It is also worth noting that Native peoples had well-developed and sophisticated cultures, technologies, and economies before European arrival, so it is not accurate to say that Europeans "brought civilization" to the Americas. - If you are asking about the contributions of individual Europeans to the Americas, there are many examples. For example, Bartolomé de las Casas was a Spanish priest who became a fierce advocate for Native rights and worked to end the enslavement of Native peoples. Juan Ponce de León was a Spanish explorer who discovered and named Florida. Giovanni da Verrazzano was an Italian explorer who discovered and named New York Harbor. These are just a few examples of Europeans who made contributions to the history of the Americas, but it is important to remember that their actions and motivations were not always benevolent and often had negative consequences for Native peoples. - If you are asking about the contributions of Europeans to the present-day culture and society of the Americas, there is no doubt that European influences are widespread and often dominant. European languages, religions, political systems, and cultural practices have all had an impact on the Americas, and many aspects of modern North and South American life can be traced back to European traditions. At the same time, though, the Americas are incredibly diverse and multicultural, and the contributions of Native peoples, African peoples, and other non-European groups are also important and worth celebrating.
